Greek Medicine (1500BC - 500BC)

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  • Greek Medicine
    • Supernatural Beliefs and Treatments
      • Asclepions were temples people went to if they were ill.
      • In asclepions people would sleep in Abatons.
        • Abatons had a roof but no walls. They believed a god would come to them in their dreams and cure them.
      • Priests would do rounds at asclepions. They would perform rituals to treat the ill. For example they would put snakes on patients.
      • In asclepions people would bath and relax, pray to Asclepios and exercise.
      • Asclepios' daughters Hygeia and Panacea were also involved in the treatment process.
      • Success stories would be recorded on the walls of the Asclepion.
    • Natural Beliefs and Treatments
      • Hippocrates created the Hippocratic Oath which is still used today.
      • Hippocrates came up with observation. This meant doctors would monitor and observe their paitents symptoms so that they could diagnose their illness.
      • The theory of the four humours, included yellow bile, phlegm, black bile and blood. It was linked to the seasons and elements.
      • Hippocrates wrote all his theories and ideas down in books called the Hippocratic Corpus.
      • The Ancient Greeks believed  exercise and a good diet was the key to good health.
    • Alexandria
      • Had a library and a university.
        • Had a collection of books from India, China and Egypt.
      • Dissection wasn't allowed in Greece but it was in Alexandria.
      • Became famous for training medics and surgeons. They went on to travel all over the world. Galen was one and later became famous in roman times.
      • Herophilus discover the brain controlled the body and the difference between arteries and nerves.
      • Erasistratus discovered the heart was a pump that was proven right 1,800 years later.
    • Surgery
      • Surgery was a last resort, most treatments were performed outside the body.
      • Surgeons developed good techniques for setting broken bones and in extreme cases would amputate.
      • Still a risky procedure
      • A range of surgical instruments were developed made from brass, iron and steel.


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