Greek - Hippocrates

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  • Greek Medicine Individuals - Hippocrates
    • Born in 460 BC in Kos, Greece and died in 370 BC.
    • Was known as the 'Father of Medicine'.
    • He wrote the Hippocratic Collection; a collection of around 60 medical cases from Ancient Greece associated with Hippocrates' practises and teachings.
    • Hippocrates believed that, in order to cure yourself, you would have to purge yourself using laxative
    • He created the Hippocratic Oath, which is still spoken by doctors today.
    • Hippocrates' Theory of the Four Humours was used in medicine until the 19th Century when Louis Pasteur discovered bacteria.
    • He was the first to document and record medical observations, diagnostics and practises.
    • Developed the first natural theory about the cause of disease - The Theory of the Four Humours.
      • The Theory of the Four Humours was based on the belief that the body consisted of four humours, or liquids. If the body had an excess or a deficiency in any of the four humours, it had a direct effect on the person's health.
      • The four humours were blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.


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