Jekyll and Hyde speech plan

The battle between good and evil.

  • Created by: jesterfun
  • Created on: 20-11-16 16:37
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  • Good VS Evil in Jekyll and Hyde - Plan: Main points of the speech
    • Every single human has good and evil inside them.
      • Although it doesn't always show, we all have good and evil.
      • For example; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are the same person, but we don't always know that because it depends on how they are acting at the time.
    • Sometimes, the evil side of jekyll can be shown. This is Mr Hyde. He does horrible things. For example, when he trampled on the little girl and murdered the Carew. Although he is till Jekyll deep down we can't see it.
    • Hyde is described as "deformed" "something displeasing, something downright detestable" and "a damned juggernaut"
      • Every single human has good and evil inside them.
        • Although it doesn't always show, we all have good and evil.
        • For example; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are the same person, but we don't always know that because it depends on how they are acting at the time.
    • Jekyll is described as a large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness...
    • Human's dual nature in the mind - this can be reflected physically and emotionally.
    • A real life scenario - a bully. They can be nice with some people - but also can actually be horrible to others.


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