Globalisation and conflict

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  • Globalisation and conflict
    • Reduces conflict
      • According to the Democratic peace thesis, by trading more freely with each other nation states wouldn't go to war with each other as this would mean mutually assured economic destruction.
      • Political globalisation means that more decisions would be negotiated through IGOs.
        • In the immediate post-Cold War period, there were several humanitarian interventions (Somalia, Bosnia, East Timor).
        • In 2005 the UN World Summit endorsed Responsibility to Protect, which established the principle that the international community has a duty to intervene within states if human rights are being abused.
    • Hasn't reduced conflict
      • Nation states still put their own interests 1st, so tragedies like the Rwandan genocide have been allowed to occur.
      • Failure of the international community to cooperate to resolve the Syrian Civil War demonstrates the failure of the UN Responsibility to Protect to challenge the Westphalian principles of non-intervention.
      • Greater opportunities for the movement of people have often increased resentment and xenophobia, rather than liberal peace and harmony, as free movement of people within the EU has shown.


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