Global Inequalities

-Different ways of classifying different parts of the world

-meaning of quaility of live and standard of living

-perceptions of quality of life in different parts of the world

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  • Global Inequalities
    • Richer countries -More economically developed countries (MEDC's)
      • generally found in the northern part of the world. Included countries such as the USA, European countries, Australia
    • Poorer countries - Less economically developed countries (LEDC's)
      • generally found in the southern part of the world. Included India, China, Mexico, Brazil
    • as a country develops the quality of life and standard of living improve for the people who live there
      • in general, the higher a person standard of living, the higher their quality of life
    • different people in different parts of the world have different ideas about what an acceptable quality of life is.
      • people in the UK think it means having a nice house, owning a car etc
      • people in Ethiopia think it means having clean drinking water, plenty of food, somewhere to live and no threat of violence


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