Question structure

  • Created by: wilsonh
  • Created on: 29-03-14 08:33
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  • Germany question structure
    • Question B: (4marks)
    • Question C: (8marks)
      • Why was.....
        • E.g: Why was hitler able to establish a dictatorship in the years 1933-1934?
          • Answer: 'One reson why is........... this is because ......... this led to /as a result......... (this is because)..... overall......
    • Question D: (10 marks)
      • Using the source and your own knowledge, explain the/how etc.....
        • E.g: use the source and your own knowledge to explain the changes in the position of the young in Nazi Germany in the years 1933-1939.
          • the first change (as mentioned in the source) was....... because of.......... this led to .............. Another change was...... because ........ Overall........
            • Include own knowledge in explanations: 'I know this because.......'
  • Question A: (3marks).
    • Write events in the correct chronological order.
      • E.g.: dawes plan, young plan, Nuremburg laws, kristallnacht & ghettos.
    • Germany question structure
      • Question B: (4marks)
      • Question C: (8marks)
        • Why was.....
          • E.g: Why was hitler able to establish a dictatorship in the years 1933-1934?
            • Answer: 'One reson why is........... this is because ......... this led to /as a result......... (this is because)..... overall......
      • Question D: (10 marks)
        • Using the source and your own knowledge, explain the/how etc.....
          • E.g: use the source and your own knowledge to explain the changes in the position of the young in Nazi Germany in the years 1933-1939.
            • the first change (as mentioned in the source) was....... because of.......... this led to .............. Another change was...... because ........ Overall........
              • Include own knowledge in explanations: 'I know this because.......'
  • Explain one effect of.....
    • E.g: 'one effect of the ........ on Germany was.......
      • This was because of / due to.......


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