Germany at War 1939-1945

  • Created by: Emily903
  • Created on: 13-06-16 18:14
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  • Germany at War 1939-1945
    • WW2: First two years
      • From 1939 -1941 the war went very well for Nazi Germany
        • They won many battles and invaded Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France
          • From conquered countries he Nazis brought back raw materials like coal, iron, steel and 2500 Germany factories occupied slave labour from the occupied countries
            • This made people believe Hitler was right when he said he would make Germany great again
      • As news from the front was good, the German population kept up with rationing of food and clothing
      • In 1940 Hitler wanted to invade Britain and destroy all fighter planes before launching an invasion of troops
        • The summer 1940, the Battle of Britain began (a fierce air battle)
          • Which frustrated German attempts. Hitler not being able to invade Britain, he order the Blitz i.e. bombings of English cities with the hope they would surrender
    • Hitler's biggest mistake
      • June 1941: Hitler attacked the Soviet Union and by Winter 1941, German troops were 8 KM from Moscow
        • As the German invasion started too late in the year, the German troops ran into Russian winter which took it toll on soldiers and equipment
    • 1942-43: The Battle of Stalingrad
      • Stalingrad has been describe as the biggest defeat in the history of the German Army
        • It is often identified as the turning point on the Eastern Front and in the war against Germany overall and even the turning point of the whole Second World War
        • Over 80,000 German soldiers died and 90,000 surrendered
    • 1941 onwards
      • The German people began to realise how difficult war is when you are not winning
      • The sacrifices the civilians had to made were called the Total War by Goebbels
      • All resources were devoted to making weapons, growing food and caring for the wounded
    • Total War
      • Anything that did not contribute to the war effort was stopped e.g. beer houses, dance halls, sweet shops
      • Factories were working long hours and also women were drafted in to work in them
      • From 1942 American and British bombers began to bomb German cities day and night
        • This had a demoralising effect on the population




This is a very good an detailed source thank you to whoever made it 

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