German reactions to the treaty of versailles

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  • German Reactions
    • Disarmament
      • The German army was reduced to 100,000 men. It could have no air force, and only a tiny navy.
        • Also, despite Wilson's Fourteen Points calling for disarmament, none of the allis were being asked or forced to disarm in the same way
        • Germans felt these terms were very unfair. An army of 100,000 was very small for a country of Germany's size and the army was a symbol of German pride.
    • War Guilt and Reparations
      • Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war and therefore had to pay reparations
        • This 'war guilt' clause was particularly hated. Germans did not feel they had started the war. They felt at the very least that the blame should be shared.
        • They were bitter that Germany was expected to pay for all the damage caused by the war even though the German economy was severely weakened.
    • The Fourteen Points and the League of Nations
      • Germany felt further insulted by not being invited to join the League of Nations
      • To most Germans, the treatment of Germany was not in keeping with Wilson's Fourteen Points. For example, while self-determination was given to countries such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, German-speaking peoples were being hived off into new countries to be ruled by non-Germans. Anschluss with Austria was forbidden.
    • German territories
      • Germany certainly lost a lot of territory.
        • This was a major blow to German pride and its economy. Both the Saar and Upper Silesia were important industrial areas.
        • Meanwhile, as Germany was losing colonies, the British and French were increasing their empires by taking control of German territories in Africa
    • Non-representation
      • Germany was note allowed to join the League of Nations.
        • Germans were angry that their government was not represented at the peace talks and that they were being forced to accept a harsh treaty without any choice or even comment. Germans did not feel they had lost the war so they should not have been treated as a defeated country.


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