
Analysis of Crooks

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  • Crooks
    • Name
      • Crooks' name resembles his appearance as his name originates from the fact that he was kicked by a horse and given a crooked back. However, it is not the characters real name, but a nick-name probably given by other on the ranch. By branding Crooks with a new name shows a lack of respect and possession. Just like his book, society is crooked. It is bent out of shape, out of its alignment with its original created invention in this case equality. The pain and suffering Crooks has experienced symbolises the pain and suffering society and himself endures due to racism.
        • Crooks has lots of possessions in his room which means he is surrounded by broken things which also suggests that he is one more broken thing in society.
    • Appearance
      • Crooks is often treated unfairly due because of the colour of his skin. Crooks is the only black person on the ranch so he is bullied and referred to the term '*****' by the white ranch workers. This links to racism


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