consuming resources

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  • consuming resources
    • renewable - lasts forever
    • non-renewable- will run out
    • sustainable- using enough so that they are available for future generations
    • natural resources- things found in the world that we use
    • human resources- skills and resources made by the population
    • tar sand oil- non renewable
      • advantages: lots left, government gets more tax, dependance on unstable supplies will be reduced
      • disadvantages: produces three times as much greenhouse gases than normal oil, to get the oil lots of natural gas and water are needed which pollutes the ground water, forests have been destroyed to get the oil
    • biofuels- renewable and sustainable
      • advantages: they capture carbon dioxide when they grow and release it as they're burnt, countries can become more efficent, they can be used in cars without changing the engines much
      • disadvantages: releases a lot of carbon dioxide, cannot produce enough fuel for all cars in the UK, leads to loss of the rainforest as the land is needed
    • solar power- sustainable/ unlimited
      • advantages: free and widely available, good for the environment - low carbon dioxide emissions, may become cheaper in the future
      • disadvantages: cannot produce power at night, expensive, to make lots of power huge areas will need to be filled with solar panels
    • theories about population and resources
      • malthus
        • 200 years ago Malthus predicted that the population would grow by doubling. this would lead to a shortage in resources causing a war to break out reducing the population so they now had enough resources
          • this theory was proven wrong when advances in food production increased and there wasn't a food shortage that caused war
      • boserup
        • boserup thought that when resouces got low people would invent new ways to make food
    • definitions
      • eco-footprint- the amount of land needed to support a particular lifestyle
      • sustainable development- a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations
    • ways to reduce our eco-footprint
      • reducing consumption resources and energy
      • make products more efficently by using renewable and sustainable resources
      • use public transport, use low energy light bulbs, reduce water to a minimum


Seb craven


half of it is cut off

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