
  • Created by: Sushant
  • Created on: 01-05-20 11:50
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  • HDI
    • Indices
      • Life Expectancy
        • Below 40
      • Literacy Rates
      • Standard of Living
      • GDP
      • Death toll
      • Birth Rate
        • Very high - 5.7 per woman
    • Malawi
      • Factors affecting development
        • Suffered from HIV/AIDs - over a million cases
        • Suffers from corruption
        • Drought in 2005
          • Lead to food shortage
        • Land-locked
        • Dependant on imports and aid
        • 2000 - 50% Debt was cancelled.
          • More can be spent on public services
            • Many charity and NGO projects. Along with government projects
        • Very high population
        • Reliant on it's tobacco industry
        • Many charity and NGO projects. Along with government projects
        • Quite a corrupt government
      • Located in Sub-Saharan Africa.
        • Malawi is located in the south-east of Africa. It is west of Mozambique, east of Zambia and south of Tanzania.
      • Population of around 18,860,962
      • Development
        • HDI - Human Development Index - This is a measure of various aspects of development, which are known as indices.
        • United Kingdom
          • There are disparities within the UK
            • There is also a development gap within the UK. However, this is different in the UK as the north is poorer than the south.
            • Physical
              • Relief - South of UK is flatter, so this helps development and urban areas are easily built upon. Whereas, in the north there are mountainous areas that makes building areas and communicating hard.
              • Climate - South and East have better climate which makes it better to live in
              • Natural Resources - North and West Wales developed as they discovered Natural Resources such as coal.
              • Position - South and East of the country are closer to Europe, so this means many companies are located in this area.
            • Historical
              • Politics - Government is in London (South-east of UK), so many companies are located here.
              • Colonies - London was the centre of trading in the UK, so it benefited from development.
            • Economics
              • Infrastructure - Infrastructure is best in London compared to other parts of UK. So more companies are located here in order to access the rest of the country easily.
              • Foreign Investment - Most foreign investment in the UK is situated in London.
            • This leads to a wide gap between the different parts of the UK. This leads to a difference in quality of life. There is a poor access to health care, water, housing, technology and education in some parts.
        • Uneven Development around the world
          • Brandt Line - A line proposed by Willy Brandt in the 1980s. This represents the development gap, difference between rich and poor
            • The line shows a division between the north and south. This line shows that the north is richer than the south.
            • He proposed that the south is undeveloped and the north is developed.
        • Causes
          • Physical
            • Climate - Many parts in the south such as Africa. suffer from several issues. These issues include problems such as droughts, heat, flooding and lack of rainfall.
              • This leads to issues such as malnutrition, disease and therefore people can't work.
            • Natural Resources - A country needs resources such as oil and coal to help a country develop. So if a country lacks these issues it will prevent it developing.
            • Many parts of the south is landlocked, such as several countries in Africa.
              • For example: these countries don't have a coastlines and shared borders. This inhibits a countries ability to trade (export and import) and communicate with other countries
          • Historic
            • Many parts of the south were colonised and the citizens were used to support the ruling countries, such as countries like Britain.
              • For example: countries like Africa were used to gather goods like spices, raw resources, goods, and etc.
            • Politics - former colonies had unstable governments and these were usually corrupt. This often lead to Civil War and this is an issue in these poor countries as money is wasted.
          • Economic
            • World Trade - Many of these countries are forced into unfair agreements and contracts. This reduces the amount of profit they gain. So usually, these countries are abused and this can impact the countries wealth
            • Investment - Foreign countries can invest in a poor country, to help them develop.
              • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - investment made by companies or individuals.
      • Quite a corrupt government
      • Strategies to address development gap.
        • Top-Down Projects - from government
          • The government is trying to stop relying on the tobacco industry. Instead it wants to grow and refine sugar. For example: the Salima Sugar Company
          • Plans for Green electricity.
          • Will create many jobs
          • Negatives - Loss of land (agricultural) and homes. Water is contaminated.
          • Agreement with China for benefit for both countries.
        • Bottom-Up Projects - from charities, NGOs and local communities.
          • Project Peanut Butter - Charity that wants to treat severe malnutrition, by producing local goods like peanut butter.
            • Has built 2 factories.
          • Untitled
    • According to this, Malawi is one of the least developed countries. It ranks 174th of 177 countries.
    • GDP per Capita is $900


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