Pest Control

A mindmap on pest control, i tried to make the notes as dense as possible and covered all areas of pest control :)

  • Created by: Abbey1995
  • Created on: 29-03-14 11:07
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  • Pest Control
    • Pest - An organism that reduces the quality orproductivity of crops or livestock by...
      • Reducing harvest due to ill health of crop/livestock (disease)
      • Reducting harvest due to competition for water, light, nutrients etc (weeds)
      • Killing the crop/livestock
      • Reducing quatity of harvest ie they eat it
      • Causing human disease.
    • Why do we need pest control?
      • 1/3 world harvest lost to pests (mostly LEDC)
      • Important if intensive to large scale farming methods such as mono and intensive rearing are used.
    • Pesticides
      • Toxic chemicals used to kill pests
      • Rapid control with long term problems
      • Applied via: Spraying, powder seeds, soil injection, dipping livestock, denching (livestock drink pesticides to kill internal parasites)
      • Properties
        • Specificity and persistance
        • Toxicity and mode of action
        • Cumulative (bioaccum and biomag)
    • Herbicides
      • Weeds reduce crops by: Competition, contamination, providing food for other pests (fungi & insects)
      • Chemical weed killers (herbicides)
      • Hormone herbicides have systematic chemicals that kill weeds by modifying aspects of growth or development. (Harmful in weeds)
        • 2,4, D - Kills broadleaf weeds by causing excessive cell elongation.
        • 2,4,5,T - Kills all broadleaf plants. Insoluble, only kills shallow rooted weeds. Tetratogenic to humans so rarely used.
        • Off-target spray damage from droplet drift/vapour drift.
        • Droplet drift - wind       Vapour drift - evap
      • Cause unrestrained growth until plant runs out of food reserves and dies.
      • Affect certain plant types so can kill broad leaf wees in cerial crops.
    • Insectisides
      • No natural preditors if accidently imported.
      • Serious problem in tropics due to no cold winter.
      • Damage by...eating crop, spoil appearence and spread disease (sleeping sickness in cattle and virus disease in crops)
    • Microorganisms and antibiotics
      • Antibiotics treat bacterial and fungal infections to control infections in sick animals.
      • Increase gross growth efficiency of livestock by reducing gut bacteria.
      • Most resistant bacteria survive. Some bacteria in livestock can pass disease onto humans eg e-coli and salmonella.
      • Quantity of antibiotics used on livestock much higher than humans.
      • Bacterica can exchange genetic info between species and so can become pathogen.
    • Cultural control (without pestesides)
      • Crop rotation, mulching, barrier crops.
      • Sowing density/date
      • Intercropping, pherimone traps, animal hormones.
      • iological control, use of pest.
  • Affect certain plant types so can kill broad leaf wees in cerial crops.


John kuk


Unwanted critters can disrupt our peace and even pose health risks. That's where professionals like Lakewood Exterminating step in. With their specialized expertise in insect control, they offer effective solutions to address infestations and prevent future nuisances. This article highlights the importance of proactive measures and the role of experts in safeguarding our homes. From termites to rodents, a comprehensive approach is crucial. So, while pests are a part of nature, companies like Lakewood Exterminating ensure that our living spaces remain pest-free sanctuaries, allowing us to enjoy our homes without the intrusion of unwanted guests

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