Gaming and Audiences - Engagement and Pleasures

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    • Beat 'Em Ups - visceral gratification based on the excitement of 'battle'. Players learn to master specific 'moves' using controllers, achieving personal satisfaction as they becomes more skilful and successful
    • Adventure - progression through the narrative and character development. Elements of other games have been included which adds to the gratifications
    • Shooter - challenging nature of the combats and the visceral presentation of vioence. Challenges increase as the player moves through the game and success brings reward and empowerment
    • Platformers - no narrative pleasures but gratifcation created as moves are mastered and a sense of achievement is gained
    • Sandbox - emergent narrative which allows the player freedom to make choices and progress through the game in their own way. Increases personal satisfaction as player's success due to decisions made rather than pre-defined narrative progression
    • Racing - provide cerebral plesures as player needs to make skill-based and strategic decisions. Arcade games based on providing fun, entertainment and excitement
    • Action - provide narrative pleasures and reward the mastering of the combat techniques needed for success
    • Vechile simulations - cerebral pleasures (see racing), satisfaction when skills are mastered, and engaging in situations that are not available in reality. Provide aspirational and escapist pleasures
    • Life simulations - aspirational as player creates idealised living environments. based on acquisition of material objects and identify success of player. players identify themselves with their Sim
    • RPGs - create identification between player and character. Satisfaction as character's abilities increase. Narrative and ideological pleasures present and players make choices based on game's internal morality
    • Strategy - competition and strategy skills dominate. Provides satisfaction as the objectives are completed and rewards collected
    • Music - increase in skills required to be successful creates a sense of achievement
    • Puzzles - cerebral pleasures created as player completes puzzles. skills are developed as puzzles' difficulty increases so personal satisfaction is gained
    • Sports - sense of achievement gained as players master the games being played. Element of competition adds to this gratification
    • Exergames - competition and physical exertion create pleasures within this genre
    • MMORPGs - provides RPG-like pleasures, but also allows the player to enter a community where communication with others and cooperation is encouraged.
      • Personal satisfaction is also gained when rewards are received and built up as the player progresses. These rewards can be monetary (both within the game world and outside as rewards can be sold to other players)


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