Further Ideas on the Gothic

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  • Further Ideas on the Gothic (what it is/what it's trying to achieve)
    • A set of analyzable displacements about what it means to be a human being and gendered
    • A journey into the 'darker' side of life; a world of pain and destruction, fear and anxiety which shadows the daylight world of love and ethereality
    • A case history of one of many types of insanity
    • An exploration of (and perhaps therefore a delineation of) the limits of mortality & immortality; morality & immorality; reason & emotion; order & disorder; mind & body; masculine & feminine
    • Revisiting of the 'landscapes of childhood': narcissism, incest, violence, vampirism, androgyny, sexual anarchy, the oedipal triangulation*, the family romance. Projective identification (I am The Other) and splitting are the two dominant psychological defences.
      • * From the Oedipal Complex: The unresolved desire of a child for sexual gratification through the parent of the opposite sex, especially the desire of a son for his mother. This involves, first, identification with and, later, hatred for the parent of the same sex, who is considered by the child as a rival. (definition from dictionary.com)
        • Triangulation is a situation in which one family member will not communicate directly with another family member, but will communicate with a third family member, which can lead to the third family member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe behaviors in other systems as well, including work. (from Triangulation (psychology) article on Wikipedia)
    • A view of interruptions in the maturation process; they are tales of recuperation or reparation; resistance to loss.
    • An assertion of the values of silence, rectitude, balance (mind of a man and heart of a woman), restrained emotions, strength of character: the century's idealization of the Virgin Mary.
  • An exploration of (and perhaps therefore a delineation of) the limits of mortality & immortality; morality & immorality; reason & emotion; order & disorder; mind & body; masculine & feminine


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