Further studies for obedience

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 26-09-20 10:58
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  • Further studies of obedience
    • Sheridan and King (1972)
      • Students trained a puppy by punishing it with increasingly large shocks. The participants could see and hear its squeals
      • After a while, an anaesthetic was released in to the puppy's cage causing it to fall asleep although it appeared to be asleep
      • Although some participants complained about the experiment, 75% still shocked the puppy until the largest shock possible
      • This supports the validity of Milgram's study because it replicates his findings
        • There was also visible stress from the participants and although there was obvious stress to the puppy, 75% still shocked to the maximum amount
    • Hofling et al (1966)
      • 22 nurses received telephone calls from a 'doctor' named Mr Smith to give a patient a made up drug called Astrofen
      • They were asked to administer 20mg of this drug although on the box it clearly states that the maximum dosage was 10mg
      • She would also be breaking the rules because it required written authorisation before any drug is given
      • 21/22 nurses administered the drug to the patient and complied without hesitation
      • This study is more ecologically valid then Milgram's because it is in a real life setting meaning the results were more reliable and true
    • Rank and Jacobson (1977)
      • They queried Hofling et al's study as the nurses had no idea what the drug involved was and they didn't have a chance to talk to another nurse or doctor
      • So, they replicated Hofling's study and asked nurses to administer Valium at 3 times the recommended level.
      • The drug was also administered by a real, known doctor and the nurses were able to consult each other before proceeding
      • Only 2/18 nurses administered the drug
    • Orne and Holland (1968)
      • Claimed that Milgram's study laced realism and internal validity
      • They believed the participants knew that the experiment was fake and that they weren't real shocks- disproved Sheridan and King
      • Also claimed that Milgrams experiment lacked mundane/ external realism as lab findings cant be generalised to real life situations and therefore also lacks ecological validity
        • However, a number of naturalistic studies of obedience has given Milgram support


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