Hydrocarbon 1 - Revision

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  • Fuels and Earth Science
    • Fractional Distillation
      • Crude Oil
        • 3 The hydrocarbons found in crude oil have their carbon atoms arranged in chains and are mostly alkanes
          • Alkanes have their own general formula- Cn H2n+2
        • Non- renewable resource (finite) so on day it will run out
        • 4 Can be separated into fractions- Smaller and useful mixtures containing groups of hydrocarbons of similar lengths
          • The different fractions are separated by fractional distillation. The oil is heated until it is turned into gas- The gases enter the fractionating column
          • The longer hydrocarbons have higher boiling points (They turn back into liquids and drain of the column early on, where they are near the bottom)
          • The shorter hydrocarbons have lower boiling points (They turn into liquids and drain out out much later on, near to the to top of the column where it's cooler
        • 1 Main source of hydrocarbons and is used as a raw material to create lots of useful substances
    • Pollutants
      • Acid Rain
        • When fossil fuels are burned, they produce sulfur dioxide. When sulfur dioxide mixes with clouds, it forms dilute sulfur dioxide which forms acid rain
        • Acid rain causes lakes to become acidic and many plants and animals die as a result. It can also kill trees and damage limestone buildings
      • Oxides of Nitrogen
        • Can cause photochemical smog which could lead to breathing difficulties
    • Hydrocarbons
      • Homologous Series
        • A family of molecules that have the same general formula and share similar chemical properties
      • Properties of Hydrocarbons
        • Big molecules have a higher boiling point because the forces are much stronger so they're harder to break
        • Shorter hydrocarbons are easy to ignite because they have lower boiling points so tend to be gases at room temperature
          • These gas molecules mix with oxygen which produces a gas mixture that would burst into flames if it comes in contact with a spark
        • Viscosity- How easily a substance flows
          • The stronger the force between hydrocarbon molecules, the harder it is for liquid to flow. Fractions containing longer hydrocarbons have higher viscosity.
      • Cracking
        • 1 Splitting up long chain hydrocarbons- alkane into alkenes which are more useful
        • 2 Form of thermal decomposition- One substance break down into two new ones when you heat it
        • 3 Involves heat (400- 700 degrees) , moderate pressures (70 atm)  and a catalyst (aluminuim oxide)
      • Complete and Incomplete Combustion
        • Complete combustion: fuel+oxygen= carbon dioxide+water
        • Incomplete combustion: fuel+oxygen= carbon monoxide+ water+carbon dioxide
          • Occurs when a hydrocarbon burns in a limited supply of oxygen
          • Produces carbon monoxide which is dangerous as it can combine with red blood cells and stop your blood from carrying oxygen around the body
          • Tiny particles of carbon can be released into the atmosphere. When they fall back to the ground, they deposit themselves as soot.
            • Soot makes buildings look dirty and can cause or worsen respiratory problems


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