Frankenstein Criticism (AO3)

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  • Frankenstein AO3
    • Treat a person ill, and he will become wicked
    • The author expels her own guilt both for having caused her mother's death and for having failed to produce a healthy son for Percy
    • Victor Frankenstein is an example of the Romantic over-reacher, who transgresses boundaries between the human and the divine
    • [Walton] seems to be a very shadowy double of Victor Frankenstein in many ways
    • [Shelley] thought these people had crossed a line, but she had a lot of admiration for scientific thought in general
    • The creatures initial innocence suggests you are not born a monster
    • For Shelley, body is fate... it is ugliness that fuels the monster's social exclusion
    • Mother's in Frankenstein are categorically dead because their biological function is... defiled
    • The monster... is not a fully formed individual, but an "abortion"
    • The creatures desire for companionship is one of his most human qualities - Punter
    • Frankenstein is searching after forbidden knowledge - Punter
    • Frankenstein's main sin is not his act of creation, but his failure to take responsibility for what he produces - Punter
    • The boundaries between the human and the monster in Frankenstein remain problematically blurred - Williams
    • Henry is a model of conjoined masculine and feminine traits - Smith




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