Fossil Fuels - KML

  • Created by: Kate
  • Created on: 18-04-13 09:25
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  • Fossil Fuels
    • What is a fossil fuel?
      • A natural fuel such as coal or gas which has been formed from the remains of living organisms.
        • How do we extract hydrocarbons from the earth?
          • Coal is mined from underground and Oil is drilled from underground.
    • When were fossil fuels made?
      • During the carboniferous period. 360 - 280 million years ago.
    • What problems are createde by fossil fuels?
      • Main cause of global warming. Causes acid rain, which lands in rivers, making the water acidic so the animals and trees die. It is not sustainable. It can damage the landscape.
    • How are fossil fuels formed?
      • Oil and Gas are made by Plants and animals decomposing Layers of rock mud and sand compressed the dead organisms which fossilized them.
      • Coal is formed in swamoy areas with trees and plants sinking, forming peat. Sand, rock and other minerals then fall on top and over time squash the peat and turns it to coal.
    • What is happening to the Earth because of burning fossil fuels?
      • The earth gets warmer, glaciers and ice caps melt, sea levels increase. Because of global warming, ice bergs will melt, causing a big flood.
    • What are fossil fuels made of?
    • What are fossil fuels used for?
      • Fossil fuels are used to fuel cars and airplanes, power electricity plants and heat our home.
    • What waste gases are released when you burn hydrocarbons?
      • Fossil Fuels release carbon dioxide when they burn. Coal and Oil release sulphur dioxide which contributes to acid rain.
    • What type of energy is releaased when you burn a hydrocarbon?
      • They are fuels therefore they produce heat energy.
    • What other waste materials/gases are produced when you burn coal?
      • Soot, methane, propane and carbon dioxide are produced when you burn coal.
    • What is acid rain and what problems does it cause?
      • Acid rain is ran that has been made acidic by certain pollutants in the air. Acid rain in wet and dry forms fall on buildings, cars, trees and in lakes which can make them acidic.
  • How do we extract hydrocarbons from the earth?
    • Coal is mined from underground and Oil is drilled from underground.


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