
  • Created by: Hemdev
  • Created on: 22-01-16 16:12
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  • Forces
    • Work Done
      • the amount of energy transformed (changed) when a force moves (in the directions of force)
        • Work is only done when there is movement against an opposing force. For e.g. lifting a book off the floor to put on a table, here the movement is from the floor to the table and the opposing force is the weight of the book.
      • Work Done= Force x distance moved in the direction of the force
        • W=FxD
      • Work is done whenever a force moves something
    • Changing Shape
      • Elastic material stretch when a force is applied but returns to its original shape when the force is removed
      • Plastic stretches but it keeps its new shape even when the force is removed
      • the extension is proportional to the force and they obey Hooke's law up to this point known as the limit of proportionality
      • After the limit it becomes less stiff and the same increase causes a greater stretch and this point, is the force is removed, it won't return to its original shape
    • Forces and electricity
      • Elastically Deformed
        • If an object is stretch and returns to its original length after the forces have been removed
      • In-elastically Deformed
        • If an object is stretch and does not returns to its original length after the forces have been removed.
    • Hooke's law
      • The extension of an object is directly proportional to the force that is applied to it provided that the limit of proprtionality is not exceeded
      • How much a certain spring extends depends on the force applied and the spring constant
        • This is a measure of the stiffness of the spring and it is measured in newtons per metres (N/m)
      • The higher the spring constant the stiffer the spring and the less it extends for a given force.
      • Hooke found that the force and extension were only directly proportional up to a certain point.
        • The limit of proportionality is called the elastic limit. Up to this point the spring is in its elastic region. Elastic means that it will return to its original shape.
      • Force= Spring constan x extension
    • Moments
      • When you apply a force to something, it might turn about a fixed point
      • The fixed point is called a pivot
      • The turning effect is called a moment
      • Moment of force(Newton-metres, Nm)=Force (Newton, N) x Perpendicular distance from line of action of force to pivot (Metres, M)
    • Hydraulics
      • Hydraulics system is also known as force multiplier
      • The piston where the load is applied is sometimes called the effort side
      • The piston at the other end is sometimes called the load side. it has the larger area


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