Forces 3a

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  • Forces 3a
    • 1) What is the relationship between friction/air resistance/drag and an object's speed?
      • The higher the speed, the more the air resistance increases.
    • 2) How does an aircraft with constant thrust move from the ground to constant in the air?
      • Part 1) When it takes of, the constant thrust force is higher than the air resistance, so the resultant force is positive, allowing the plane to have a rapid increase of speed and take off.
      • Part 2) As the plane speed increases, so does the air resistance, so the increase in speed becomes less.
      • Part 3) When the plane is traveling at a steady speed, the forces balance and the resultant force becomes zero. The plane had reached its max speed or terminal velocity.
    • 3) Draw, label and explain a velocity time graph showing an object reaching terminal velocity:
      • Graph will curve, as the speed increase becomes gradually less, and eventually plateau at terminal velocity.
    • 4) What are the two factors that determine the terminal velocity/top speed of a vehicle?
      • Shape and material of object.
    • 5) describe how a skydiver drops and reaches terminal velocity:
      • Part 1) When the skydiver jumps out of the plane, gravity is stronger than air resistance, so the speed increase is large.
      • Part 2) As the sky diver's speed increases, so does the air resistance, so the resultant force is less.
      • Part 3) eventually the resultant force becomes 0, and the sky diver reaches terminal velocity.
    • 6) Recall the definition and units of mass and weight:
      • Weight is measured in Newtons, and is the force with which gravity is acting upon an object.
      • Mass is the amount of matter in an object, measured in kilograms.
    • 7) What is the relationship between weight, mass and gravitational field strength?
      • Weight (N)=mass(kg)*gravitational field strength (N/kg)


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