For Appeasement

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  • For Appeasement
    • For Appeasement
      • Treaty of Versailles promised self determination.
      • appeasement was tradition
      • The opposition to appeasement never had a united front, Chamberlain kept an obedient majority.
      • Chamberlain wasnt naive, he wrote to his sister that he did not believe peace was more secure
      • "prepare for the worst but hope for the best"
    • Readiness for war
      • Just suffered through the depression so rearmament was little before 1936.British priority lay with health and education schemes.
        • In 1939 British expenditure on the army was £304 million whereas German was £1500 million.
      • only 28% of the army were not in the empire and available, the 28% were equivalent to 3% of the German army
      • In 1938, Britain only had 2 divisions whereas the USSR had 125 and the Czechs had 34
      • the rearmament scheme in place still wasn't completed in 1939
      • The military said we couldn't win a short war but the treasury said we couldn't win a long one
      • The Munich agreement allowed time to further rearmam
      • Czechs couldn't help us defend them, divided and weak army.
      • it gave us time to develop radar which stretched from the isle of white to Orkney
    • No Allies
      • Us isolationism, encouraged Hitler and Chamberlain to using negotiations instead of the military
      • no country wanted to work with Churchill who was seen as a war mongerer who wanted to provoke Hitler
      • France remained politically unstable, 33 presidents in 1919 to 1930, and planned to stay behind the Maginot line.
      • Nobody trusted the Ussr and its military capability was unknown after Stalin's decision to kill almost a third of its generals. everyone also feared its communism and needed Germany to act as a buffer against it.
        • Poland and Rumania etc wouldn't allow USSR troops on their land
      • No help from the dominions, chanak crisis, Australia and Canada refused help.
    • Public opinion
      • war fatigue, with numerous polls showing the public  didn't see war as a solution
      • Guernica, spain, in the spanish civil war, britain finally had a glance at what german bombers could do, "the bomber would always get through" wanted to avoid this in london
      • The Oxford Union debate of 1933, students passed a motion not to fight for king and country in the future
      • peace pledge union 1934
      • Most people showed greater faith in the league of nations
      • chamberlain had to listen to the electorate
      • Treaty of Versailles, people thought Germany had genuine greivances


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