Food safety practices

  • Created by: aggy98
  • Created on: 02-06-14 23:34
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  • Food safety practices
    • workers duties in food production
      • wear clean garments to prevent bacteria or dirt ending up in food.
      • don't wear jewellery except a plain band- food or bacteria can get aught in any special jewellery and cause contamination of product
      • wear blue plasters over cuts- easily visible if it falls off into food and prevents cut contaminating food. Easily detectable as contains metal.
      • wear  safety boots to protect them from anything falling from machinery
      • wear hair covers and bear covers if necessary to prevent hairs falling into food products.
      • wash hands when directed  and after any contact with raw materials after which you will then proceed to touch another surface or food product
      • wear protective garments e.g. gloves to prevent contamination and to protect the workers from harm.
    • they will use a metal detector every hour to check no metal is in the product
    • In transportation, some products must be kept at certain temperatures-therefore a vehicle must contain the equipment to transport these perishable foods safely
    • Food handlers must prevent ingredients against contamination that would make them a health hazard e.g.  raw poultry must not contaminated ready to eat foods, either through direct contact, surfaces or equipment
    • propietors of food businesses must make sure they know critical points in production for food safety, identify hazards and sell/store food hygienically
    • Food premises must, according to the food hygiene regualtions 2006:
      • be clean, maintained and in good repair
      • adequate supply of drinking water
      • sufficient lighting and ventilation to prevent damage to food and harm to workers
      • have adequate hand washing facilities
      • suitable controls to protect against pests
    • companies make risk assessments when delivering e.g if a nightclub empties near delivery venue, they have to make sure they void anyone or thigns that could damage vehicle or product.
    • HACCP- hazard analysis critical control points
      • identifies risks and introduces checks to prevent them. Any faults found are recorded and action taken.
        • include: temperatures, using probes and thermometers
          • cooking times
            • identifies risks and introduces checks to prevent them. Any faults found are recorded and action taken.
              • include: temperatures, using probes and thermometers
                • cooking times
                  • ensuring food is handled correctly
              • ensuring food is handled correctly
            • three main types of hazard- biological, chemical and physical
            • Critical control points (CCPs) are pre-determined checks that take place at specified points in the food production or preparation process. They include: temperatures, using probes and thermometers cooking time,  sensuring food is handled correctly


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