Fold Mountains - The Alps hayley

  • Created by: HMcCray
  • Created on: 18-06-13 09:30
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  • Fold Mountains - The Alps
    • Farming
      • Basics - It's a main activity in the Alps; is restricted due to the height and steepness of slopes. The valley floor is good for farming: it's flat, soil is deep, good communication etc.
      • Dairy farming - Transumhance is used, this is moving animals seasonally. Summer- animals are taken to the high areas to graze. Winter- animals are taken to the farm to be fed: allowing the crops to grow in summer
    • Forestry
      • Coniferous Trees- main type of tree in The Alps, and cover the north facing slopes. They are adapted to their environment by: being stable in windy conditions- conical shape and springy branches prevent damage from the snow sliding off them.
      • Deforestation- this is very common amongst the Himalayas, logging companies cut down parts where leaves are shed (decidious rainforest). Deforestation is crucial for the local people as it is needed for timber to aid fuel and construction. However, this can destroy animals habitat and can be life threathening for them.
    • Hydro-electric Power
      • Hydro-electric Power - when water falls it produces a gravitational force (downward forde) the power from this force is used to generate (make)electricity.
    • Formation
        • Untitled
  • Deforestation- this is very common amongst the Himalayas, logging companies cut down parts where leaves are shed (decidious rainforest). Deforestation is crucial for the local people as it is needed for timber to aid fuel and construction. However, this can destroy animals habitat and can be life threathening for them.


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