Location and Formation of: fold mountains, ocean trenches and shield volcanoes

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  • Fold Mountains, Ocean trenches and Sheild volcanoes
    • Fold Mountains
      • formed when plates collide at destructive plate boundaries
      • when tectonic plates collide the sedimentary rocks that have built up between them are folded and forced upwards to form mountains
      • you get fold mountains where a continental and oceanic plate collide (Andes,South America)
      • you can also get fold mountains where two continental plates collide
      • Fold mountain areas have lots of very high mountains, which are very rocky with steep slopes
    • Ocean Trenches
      • 1) Destructive plate margins are where two plates are moving towards each other
      • 2) Where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate, the denser oceanic plate is forced down into the mantle and destroyed.
        • This often creates volcanoes and ocean trenches ( very deep sections of the ocean floor where the oceanic plate goes down)
    • Shield volcanoes
      • Volcanoes are found at destructive and constructive plate margins
        • at destructive plate margins, the oceanic plate goes under the continental plate because its denser
        • At constructive plate margins, the magma rises up into the gap created by the plates moving apart, forming a volcano.
      • made up of only lava
      • lava is runny. flows quickly and spreads over a wide area, forming a low, flat volcano
  • when tectonic plates collide the sedimentary rocks that have built up between them are folded and forced upwards to form mountains
  • you get fold mountains where a continental and oceanic plate collide (Andes,South America)


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