B1- Fitness and Blood Pressure

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  • Fitness and Blood Pressure
    • Healthy- free of any infections or diseases.    Fit- a measure of how well you can perform physical tasks.
      • Fitness can be measured by speed, stamina, strength, agility and flexibility.
        • Stamina- a good indication of cardiovascular efficiency measured by oxygen uptake during exercise and blood pressure.
    • Blood leaves heart at a high pressure and gets lower as it flows through the system.
      • Systolic pressure- heart contracts and pressure is at its highest.            Diastolic pressure- heart relaxes and pressure is at its lowest.
    • Blood pressure measured in mmHg (millimetres of mercury).
      • In a healthy person the systolic pressure shouldn't be higher than 135 over 85 in diastolic pressure.
    • Factors that increase blood pressure- smoking, being overweight, a lot of alcohol and a lot of stress.
    • High blood pressure causes blood vessels to burst leading to strokes, brain damage and kidney damage.
      • Can be decreased by lifestyle changes, e.g. balanced diet or regular exercise- drugs used in extreme cases.
    • Low blood pressure can cause poor circulation meaning not all tissues get the oxygen needed- causes dizziness and fainting.
      • Can also be treated by making lifestyle changes such as eating a diet higher in salt.


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