Film Studies, Amy Kapadia, Film Theory

  • Created by: ralphiexx
  • Created on: 04-04-19 14:09
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  • Amy Kapadia
    • Kim Longinotto
      • Create the same story as a fiction film- so the audience can identify with it
        • In Amy, characters are placed within roles, similar to a fictional film.
          • Blake seems to be cast as a villain- This can be seen in the "Amy's addiction to crack" scene
        • Amy seems also to be cast as a tragic hero throughout the film and is the protagonist
        • Propp's theory can be applied to this section
      • Never sets stuff up within her films
        • No presence,no voice over,music, personal appearances
          • Kapadia does not physically appear,however the presence of Kapadia's view is strongly present.
            • The incidental music in the finale scene
            • Kapadia manipulates footage
        • No zooms, pans or captions
          • The zooms upon Amy's face within scenes shows a manipulation of the archival footage- this suggests a manipulation of narrative
        • Kapadia seems to set up the narrative throughout.
          • It can be deemed set up with the voice overs, which has obviously been coerced by Kapadia himself.
        • Can be argued not set up due to the archival footage-limited manipulation
      • Raise questions not conclusions through her film
        • The film itself does raise questions of who to blame for her death and why did no one stop her
        • However it can be argued that it can be concluded for who to blame such as Blake.
    • Michael Moore
      • The film maker is V.visible presence-addressing camera ,talking to individuals,interviews,
        • It is overall very Participatory and Preformative.
        • There are interviews, however they are not overtly formal and constructed.
          • Voice overs as interviews, which are conducted
        • The film makers  presence is visible in terms of his view
          • Editing makes this clear
      • Clear and direct POV- contrary to mainstream
        • The film was contrary to the media which surrounded Amy when she was alive.
          • it goes against Graham Norton who is shown he may be the personification of main stream media
        • However it isn't contrary to the media at this point in time
        • There is a clear POV, however it is not as direct as it is hidden through archival footage
          • It is passed as legit but overall it is a construction
      • Uses humour to entertain the audience
        • There are some humorous moments; but they are at the start to show contrasts and can be deemed dark as the audience knows her ending
          • Amy can be seen as frank and funny- she is at odds with her voice




The theories themselves does not help me further understand the subject, however it helps me understand the validity and the techniques of documentary film makers and how Amy may steer away from some normality.



Kapadias presence is not audible or cannot see, but his presence is always felt. It helps us understand as you can be more critical to the information presented, more cynicism

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