fighting disease

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  • fighting disease
    • vaccination
      • inject small amounts of dead or inactive (weakened) pathogen
        • MMR vaccination prevents measles, mumps and rubella
      • carry antigens which cause body to produce antibodies to attack them.
        • If live organisms appear of the same type of pathogen the white blood cells will rapidly mass produce antibodies to kill pathogen. As white blood cells remember antigens.
      • causes artificial immunity
      • some wear off so booster vaccinations needed to increase levels of antibodies
      • pros:
        • help prevent infectious diseases than were once common e.g. small pox doesn't occur and polio infectious have been reduced by 99%
        • epidemics can be prevented if large amount of population vaccinated. Means people who aren't vaccinated are unlikely to catch disease as there are fewer people to pass it on.
          • but if large number aren't vaccinated disease will spread quickly.
      • cons:
        • don't always work- don't always give immunity
        • can have bad reaction e.g. swelling, fevers, seizures. Bad reactions are very rare.
    • painkillers
      • drugs that relieve pain but don't tackle underlying cause- only reduce symptoms.
      • aspirin
      • other drugs also do similar thing by relieving symptoms. E.g. many cold remedies don't actually cure colds
    • Antibiotics
      • penicillin
        • Alexander Fleming in 1928
      • kill or prevent growth of bacteria causing problem without killing body cells
        • different antibiotics kill different types of bacteria
      • don't destroy viruses as viruses reproduce using body cells so hard to kill virus without killing body cell.
    • resistance
      • pathogens (particularly viruses) mutate- causes them to become resistant.
        • very few people immune to changed pathogens to spread very quickly
          • vaccinations might not work on resistant strain, cause serious infection that cant be treated by antibiotics
            • MRSA- super bug, cause serious wound infections and is resistant to methicillin- very powerful antibiotic
            • resistant strains of bacteria can rapidly spread across population as not immune.
              • epidemic- diseases spread within country
                • pandemic- across countries
        • if have infection some bacteria may become resistant, meaning only non resistant strain killed. Resistant strain survive and reproduce so population increases- natural selection.
    • antibiotic resistance- increasing
      • death rate from infectious bacterial diseases fallen rapidly in recent years due to antibiotics
        • new antibiotics need to be developed that are effective against resistant strains
          • reduce use of antibiotics for mild infections to slow down development
      • overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics increases likely-hood of people being infected by resistant strains


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