Feminism and the Family

  • Created by: hannahi24
  • Created on: 05-01-16 19:46
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  • Feminism & the Family
    • Difference Feminism
      • They criticise Marxist, Liberal and Radical feminists for failing to recognise family diversity and the different range of women's experiences within their family.
        • believes the solution to gender inequality is ting practices by avoiding gender stereotyping children and changing paren gradual reform by removing all forms of sexism and equal opportunities for both sexes by changing the law; for example equality in maternity and paternity leave, cheaper childcare to allow women to pursue a career (both changing conjugal roles) and stronger action towards domestic violence.
      • They're criticised by other feminists because they undermine the similarities in opression women face regardless of their class, ethnicity or religion.
    • Radical Feminism
      • Believe that women are extremely oppressed by men and believe that the traditional family and marriage are key institutions to women's oppression that it is a patriarchal institution because women rely solely on the man for their economic needs and that is essentially sleeping with the enemy. They look at the dark side of the family, which includes domestic violence and ****.
      • Greer
        • Found that married are more subservient and that single women are happier than married ones. Greer’s solution to this is introducing separatism to the family and creating matrilocal households
          • Government statistics found that two thirds of divorce petition are instigated by women and majority of those who divorce do not remarry.
    • Liberal Feminism
      • Look at the progress made by women in society and are critical of Marxist and Radical feminists because they only focus on the oppression women face.
        • Examples of the progress women have made; in some families women are the main breadwinner, women no longer have to marry for economic reason and that there's greater equality in marriage, women can now get divorced
      • Sommerville
        • believes the solution to gender inequality is ting practices by avoiding gender stereotyping children and changing paren gradual reform by removing all forms of sexism and equal opportunities for both sexes by changing the law; for example equality in maternity and paternity leave, cheaper childcare to allow women to pursue a career (both changing conjugal roles) and stronger action towards domestic violence.
    • Marxist Feminism
      • Believe that capitalism is the cause of oppression in the family because it puts too much pressure on the wife they have to look after the children for free and the solution to gender equality is feminism
    • Feminsim is a conflict theory that has a negative view of society and the family
    • Oakley
      • Views the family as a place of unrewarding work for women


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