Faustus Quotes

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  • Faustus
    • Magic
      • "necromantic books are heavenly" - Faustus
        • Juxtaposition - Faustus refers to a sinful art as "heavenly" and that it is "bliss"
      • "necromancy is bliss" - Faustus
        • Juxtaposition - Faustus refers to a sinful art as "heavenly" and that it is "bliss"
      • "divinity is bliss" - Faustus
        • In religious terms, divinity or godhead is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, creator deity, or spirits, and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.
      • "metaphysics of magicians" - Faustus
        • Linking magic to science, his previous strength
      • "a sound magician is a mighty god" - Faustus
        • Faustus wants the powers of a God
      • "fallen into that damned art" - Scholar 1 about Faustus
        • "I fear me nothing can reclaim him"
          • Scholars know of Faustus' sinfuln actions and know he is destined to fail
            • "fallen into that damned art" - Scholar 1 about Faustus
              • "I fear me nothing can reclaim him"
                • Scholars know of Faustus' sinfuln actions and know he is destined to fail
                  • Calvinism; predestined to fail due to the original sin (Adam and Eve)
            • Calvinism; predestined to fail due to the original sin (Adam and Eve)
      • "Couldst thou make men to live eternally, Or, being dead, raise them to life again" - Faustus
        • Acting as God, the reserrection of Jesus
    • Power
      • "all things between the quiet poles shall be at my command" - Faustus
        • Everything on earth will be under Faustus' reign, the "quiet poles" being the north and south of the earth.
      • "return an old franciscan friar" - Faustus
        • Commanding Mephastophiles when they first met, asserting his dominance
    • Religion
      • "For, when we hear one rack the name of God,Abjure the Scriptures and his Savior Christ,We fly in hope to get his glorious soul;Nor will we come unless he use such means, Whereby he is in danger to be damned."
        • Mephastophiles explains to Faustus about how it wasnt his chant that caused him to appear, it was is sacreligious behaviour and sinfulness.
      • "the reward of sin is death. thats hard" - Faustus
        • Almost mocking the idea of sin, or questioning it due to his disbelief.
      • "Now, Faustus, must thou needs be damned?Canst thou not be saved?What boots it, then, to think on God or heaven?Away with such vain fancies, and despair. Despair in God and trust in Beelzebub"
        • Faustus talks in first person and questions whether it is worth being damned, then decides that it is


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