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  • Fannia
    • By pliny in 107 AD
      • He is writing to Priscus about a family friend called Fannia who is Arria the elders grand-daughter
        • he praises her family but, in doing so he is praising his morals and does this because he knows these letters are going to be published
        • he sets Fannia up as an example like Cornelia or lucretia
    • Fannia is very ill
      • he thinks she caught her illness from taking care of Junia, who is a vestal virgin
        • the must be respectable of the priest wouldn't of asked her to look after Junia
        • Fannia looked after her well shows her kind nature
      • she is dreadfully ill but her spirt is in good health
        • the contrast shows she is strong and does succumb to her illness
      • she has a fever and a cough that is getting worse
        • hes worried that  great woman will be lost
          • respects and admires her
    • she is admired for her Chasity, sanctity, dignity and constancy
    • loyal
      • twice she followed her husband into exile and on the third time she was exiled on his account
        • Fannia is sent into exile because she asked Senecio to write a biography for her husband who is in exile
          • she know its risky but wants her husband's voice to be heard
          • she could deny the rumours by stays loyal and ensures that her mother didn't know when they try to get her in trouble as well
            • Pliny helds her up as an example for future generations because she is stoic
    • pliny views her as the strongest member of her family which is a high praise as her grand mother was Arria the elder
    • shows that the emperor Tragon will not be afraid or opposed of these people


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