Family theories: Feminism

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  • Family theories: Feminism
    • Jenny Somerville - March of progress view that women have come a long way, new laws e.g. allowing lesbians to marry
      • Liberal feminists are criticised as being ethnocentric, a white middle class view
    • Marxist feminists are exploited by capitalism and the patriarchy - they reproduce the workforce, absorb anger and are a reserve army of cheap labour
      • Fran Ansley - women absorb the anger from their husbands. The anger is caused by frustration of the capitalist economy
    • Radical feminists - women have to work a triple shift (Duncombe and Marsden)
      • 'Dark side to family life' - rejects view of value consensus e.g. domestic violence, divorce
      • Firestone - when women get married they are signing up for a life of patriarchy - women should group up and live independently from men


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