Isolation and Heating of the Atmosphere

  • Created by: NTipper99
  • Created on: 01-06-17 16:09
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  • Factors That Affect Isolation and Heating of the Atmosphere
    • Altitude of Land
      • The higher the land is away from the concentration of the sun the land is considerably cooler. The more concentrated the sun rays are on the land, the hotter the land shall be.
    • Altitude of the Sun
      • The higher the sun is, the more atmosphere the sun rays have to travel through and therefore the sun rays won't reach the earth or be as hot and concentrated as they originally would have been
    • Prevailing Winds
      • The prevailing winds will blow and effect the concentration of the sun rays meaning they won't be as strong or as direct.
    • Seasonal Changes
      • As the season changes more and less sun shall be on show to the earth meaning that at some times of the year the heating of the atmosphere shall be hotter and colder during certain seasons
    • Diurnal Range
      • As the days change in length it means that the sun shall be exposed more and less to the land. This would mean that the heating of the atmosphere shall change and can be both hotter and colder during those days.
    • Urbanisation
      • The more built up an area is the more heat is being released from the buildings increasing the heat being trapped. Buildings also have the ability to trap the heat and sun rays coming to towards them.
    • Pollution
      • The more green house gases released will make the atmosphere thicker. This in turn means that more sun rays will get trapped in the atmosphere instead of bouncing through increasing the amount of heat and isolation trapped in the atmosphere


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