factors affecting discharge

  • Created by: AlexFrame
  • Created on: 19-05-17 10:06
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  • factors affecting discharge.
    • 1, rainfall - lots if rainfall means more runoff which will increase the discharge  and decrease the lag time
    • LAG TIME= how long it takes for water to reach the river.
    • 2, previous weather conditions - soil would be saturated form rainfall which will increase surface ruff because of infiltration into the soil is reduced.
    • 3, land use- impermeable rock (were previous buildings have been built on) will increase surface runoff. lag time will decrease and discharge will increase.
    • 4, rock type - when rock is impermeable soil becomes saturated and water runoff is increased so short lag time. when rock is permeable water goes through the rocks and the lag time is very long which is less likely to flood.
    • 5, relief - lots of surface runoff happens on steep slopes so lag time will be decreased and discharge increased.
    • 6, vegetation - interception form trees slow water don which means long lag time.


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