F211 Mindmap, Cells, Membranes, Divison and Exchange

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  • F211
    • Facilliated Diffusion: Just like diffusion, but larger particles can't diffuse through the membrane so have to bump into a channel protein, eg chloride ions.
    • Osmosis: the movement of charged water molecules down their water potential gradient.
    • Active Transport: Pumping sodium ions out of a cell and potassium ions into a cell up their concentration gradient. Energy is used in the form of ATP.
    • Zygote: A cell that forms when two gametes fuse.
    • Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
      • Mitosis makes genetically identical cells. Meisos cells are not genetically identical.
        • Diplod Cells have two sets of chromosomes. Haploid cells have only one set of chromosomes.
    • Erythocytes: No nucleus to make room for the protein haemoglobin. Bioconcave shape to provide large surface area:volume ratio. Very small to allow to travel through capillaries.
      • Neutrophils: Normally the most common type of leucocyte. They destroy bacteria using phagocytosis.
      • Phloem seive tubes: Modified cytoplasm with few organelles so the tube can transport sugars, mainly sucrose. Transport requires energy, companion cells help with this.
    • Squamous Epithelium: Inner surfaces of atria, ventricles and forms the alveoli in the lungs. Smooth, flat and very thin. In the alveoli, the thin cells allow rapid diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the blood.
      • Ciliated Epithelium: Cells that posses cilia. Lines the ends of the bronchioles in the lungs.
    • The lungs are inside the thorax, surrounded by a pair of pleural membranes which secrete pleural fluid. The trachea branches into the left and right bronchus, which then branch into bronchioles, which end in alveoli. Each alveoli are closely associated with blood capillaries.
      • Movement is produced by muscles in the diaphram and the muscles between the ribs, which are called intercoastal muscles.
      • Cartailage supports the walls of the tranchea and bronchi. Pressure inside the tubes changes during breathing.
    • Smooth Muscle: an involuntary muscle that contracts slowly and steadily. Changes the diameter of the bronchioles when exercising.




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