Explanations for the success and failure for dieting

  • Created by: NicoleQ
  • Created on: 18-05-15 22:56
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  • Explanations for the success and failure of dieting
    • Restraint Theory - Herman and Mack (1975)
      • Theory to attempt to explain both the causes and consequences associated with the cognitive restriction of food intake
      • Suggested attempting not to eat actually increases the probability of overeating
      • Preload test , females split into three different conditions and also tasting and rating other foods.
      • Participants given tub of ice-cream to to taste and rate it
      • Also given questionnaires to find out whether they were dieting or restricting food
      • Support Boundary model of dietary restainrt
      • Participants dieting or restraining fadeout significantly more in conditions with the preload than those without preload. Eat more than participants who weren't dieting
      • AO2
        • Largely lab based, may not generalise. PP told when and what to eat in the time of an hour. A diet most likely last about a week or more, Reflects beviour in lab but not outside
        • Wardle and Beale, 27 women put in a diet, excursus or control group  Those in diet are more than excretes or control group.
        • Limited relevance and cannot explain all behaviour. Ogden although dieters and bulimics report episodes of overeating, anorexics don't experience this same feeling - don't go above station
    • The Boundary Model - Herman and Polivy (1984)
      • Hunger keeps intake of food above a certain minimum, and satiety works to keep intake below some maximum level
      • Between these two levels psychological factors have the greatest impact on consumption
      • Dieters have a larger range between hunger and satiety levels as it takes them longer to feel hungry but needs to eat more to satisfy them
      • Restrained eaters will eat until they reach their cognitive boundary, determined by the diet they have set themselves
      • Once they go over this boundary the continue to eat until they reach satiety
    • The Role of Detail - Redden (2008)
      • suggests the secret of dieting successfully is in the attention we pay to the detail in meals
      • People usually like actives less when they repeat them, in terms of dieting, can be difficult to stick to a regime
      • Should focus on individual items, by focusing on these details allows people to become less bored easily
      • AO2
        • Redden'sJelly Bean study 135 people given 22 jelly beans, ate been was less bored we given information about bean. Lab study may not relate to behaviour outside world


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