Explanation for the success/failure of dieting

  • Created by: Abw97
  • Created on: 10-10-15 19:56
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  • Explanation for the success and failure of dieting.
    • Restraint Theory
      • Research suggest 89% of women restrain their food intake.
      • Herman and mack - attempting not to eat actually increases the probability to overeating. The Boundary model can explain this.
        • Wardle and Beales - 27 obese women to a diet group / exercise group / non-treatment group for 7 weeks. = Week 4 --> food intake assessed before/after preload. Week 6 --> food intake assessed under stressful conditions. = Women in diet conditions ate more than other groups.
          • Ogden -  Anorexics bulimic and dieters report episodes of over eating,but if this is the case, how do anorexics manage to starve themselves. The restraint theory can't explain this.
    • The Role Of Denial
      • Attempting to suppress or deny a thought actually has the opposite effect.
    • Detail - The Key To A Successful Diet
      • Redden - secret to successful dieting is in the attention we pay to what we are eating.By focusing on the details of the meal people will get less bored so will be able to maintain the diet.
        • Redden - 135 people, 22 jelly beans each - Group 1 = general info (bean no.1) Group 2 =specific flavours given (bean no.1 cherry) = less bored in group 2
    • IDA
      • Anecdotal Evidence - Most research relies on personal accounts = memory may not be 100% accurate, neither may the assessment in success or failure of dieting.
      • Cultural Bias - Some cultural groups find it harder to diet due to a natural tendency to be obese. Evidence that Asian children have a more central fat mass compared to European groups (Misra et al)


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