Explain why there was little economic growth in the French economy under Napoleon

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  • Explain why there was little economic growth in the French economy under Napoleon
    • Napoleon inherited weak economy
      • result of failure of previous governments
        • The National Assembly issued assignats which caused inflation, Jacobins left economy and focused on killing opponents, Directory financial reforms did not come into place before they fell from power
      • left Napoleon with weak base with little foundations to build strong economy
    • Napoleon's financial policies
      • focused on taxation to fund continual war and expansion of empire
        • had plunder from empire to fund army
        • quadrupled salt, alcohol and tabacco tax
      • did not focus on improving economic situation within France, as focused on army
      • resulted in economy not improving and inflation as a result of increased taxes
    • empire
      • empire expanded and by 1810 napoleon had conquered Egypt, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Spain and much of Italy and Germany.
      • created enemies like Britain and Russia
      • resulted in less trade as more colonies meant less countries available to trade with
      • continental system resulted in lack of British imports which worsened French economy
      • loss of men in wars to establish empire
      • reduction in workforce, resulted in low production and low demand
    • conclusion: overall the factor that drained economy as result of diminishing population, lack of trade and lack of Napoleon's interest was continual war


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