Tobacco and Rice Plantations

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  • Explain why slavery was so important for the large scale production of goods in N. America
    • Increased workforce
      • Both tobacco and rice production were very labour intensive- they needed many people for them to be grown successfully on a large scale.
      • It would have been impossible to find enough workers without slavery.
    • Increased population numbers
      • The success of the slaves in growing tobacco and rice led to more and more slaves being transported from Africa, having an impact on local populations
      • 35% of Chesapeake's population were slaves
        • The success of the slaves in growing tobacco and rice led to more and more slaves being transported from Africa, having an impact on local populations
    • Worked hard
      • Producing both tobacco and rice in the Southern colonies meant workers had to do repetitive, manual work for very long hours in hot weather
        • Slaves could only work in these conditions as they would be forced to.
    • Improved efficiency
      • The use of slaves helped create a successful and efficient system of production. Some slaves had positions of responsibility over others
    • Made Profits
      • Slavery was a major reason why owners of tobacco and rice plantations made profits. It was long term expensive however much cheaper than paying workers or indentured servants
    • Brought knowledge


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