Explain the key ideas of Eco-feminism?(15 Marks)

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  • Explain the key ideas of Eco-feminism?(15 Marks)
    • DEF:A political theory that combines ecology with feminist concerns; focuses on how men have dominated society.
    • Environmental degradation is males fault; has power of women and nature.
      • Most eco-feminists believe that there are essential (biologically-rooted and not merely cultural) differences between men and women. Men are the enemy of nature because their reliance on instrumental reason allows them to understand the natural world only in terms of use-value, while women live in harmony with nature by virtue of their ability to engage with it at a deeper psycho-emotional level. Eco-feminism is therefore the point at which feminist essentialism overlaps with deep ecology.
      • in patriarchate societies women are dominated by men and through this men have power over nature and women.
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