Experiments in Government and Society - The Rump Parliament

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  • The Rump Parliament - experiments in government
    • Dissolution of the Rump
      • Attendance at the Rump was always low - average attendance only 50 - 70 MPs out of 210
      • Great antipathy between the Rump and the Army, largely caused by the extreme conservatism of the Rump
      • Taxes remained high - taxes such as the Assessment / Excise tax were still in use from the Long Parliament.
      • Failed to meet demands such as replacing unworthy parish ministers, providing for widows and orphans, abolition of excise taxes.
      • Some positives, eg passing much needed legislation like legal documents from Latin to English
      • 1653 - Cromwell led 30 soldiers in to forcibly dissolve the Rump
    • Rump as an experiment in radical republicanism
      • 'Council of State' elected by the Rump - poor attendance
      • Had to swear oath of allegiance  to the 'government of the future'
      • Innate conservatism- eg promoted Praliament's role as preserver of ancient liberty and custom
    • Parliament of the Saints / Nominated Assembly
      • In a short period it passed through good legislation - promotion of Godly reform eg marriage law, abolition of tithes etc
      • Made up of Fifth Monarchists and the Army Council - not respected
      • Tried to purge ex-conservatives from the old Rump - bad
      • 1653 - Lambert led a military coup early in the morning, voting to disperse the assembly and give full power to Cromwell
  • Radical religious groups
    • Diggers
      • Claimed to be 'true levellers', more emphasis on togetherness and religion - property
      • Rejected ides of monarchy, hoped for a commonwealth
      • Caused anxiety among local landowners like gentry and the church
      • Dug vegetabe plots on common land for 'everyone' - not long lasting or successful
    • Other groups
      • Quakers
        • 1640s, 50s - George Fox taught oath taking to men was wring, God spoke to believers, no need for designated ministers etc
        • Fox was one of the first tried under the blasphemy act - 6months in prison
      • Baptists
        • Churches grouped into Regional Associations - represented in the General Assembly
        • Accountabilityetc - more political?
        • Moves for religious liberty
    • The Levellers
      • Denounced the Rump because it didn't use equal representation
      • Rumours circulated that the Levellers would join Royalists against the Rump
      • Lilburne and other leading Levellers arrested and charged with treason
      • Levellers stirred up dissent, writing pamphlets and leading mutinies
      • Rump passed measures to pay army arrears, satisfying levellers - Lilburn was acquitted but the movement was over


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