Existence of God and revelation (Part 1)

  • Created by: choun
  • Created on: 16-10-21 18:03
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  • The existence of God and revelation (Part 1)
    • Special revelation
      • Special revelation is god making himself known through a direct personal experience.
      • Types of special revelation include: Dreams, visions, miracles, prophecies and hearing god's call.
      • Positives: Through special revelation, a person is experiencing God directly in an event. It usually has a profound effect on those experiencing it and it also could be life changing. It also helps people to feel connected with God. Turns peoples life around.
      • An example in Islam would be the Qur'an being revealed to Muhammad, which is a divine revelation. Divine revelations are only given prophets and revelations.
      • An example in Christianity would be Mary receiving a special revelation from the angel Gabriel that she would be the mother of Jesus (Luke  1:26-38)
      • God may send angels as a spiritual experience. However they are neither prophets or messengers.
      • Negatives: Through special revelation, a person is experiencing God directly in an event. Stories of special revelation usually seem unbelievable and also has a lack of sufficient evidence to prove it as it is a personal thing and no one else can see it.
      • Christians consider special revelations to be rare and many still believe in god without experiencing one.
      • Some muslims would say there is no special revelation and that the  revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad , was divine revelation. Muslims can gain nearness to God and experience dreams,visions or miracles but these are not special revelation.
      • Enlightenment
        • Buddhists don't believe in God but they use meditation and self-discipline to discover the ultimate reality by gaining true knowledge (enlightenment)
        • Buddha meditated for a long time until enlightenment and he came to understand the nature of life and how suffering could end.
    • Visions (Special Revelation)
      • Special revelation
        • Special revelation is god making himself known through a direct personal experience.
        • Types of special revelation include: Dreams, visions, miracles, prophecies and hearing god's call.
        • Positives: Through special revelation, a person is experiencing God directly in an event. It usually has a profound effect on those experiencing it and it also could be life changing. It also helps people to feel connected with God. Turns peoples life around.
        • An example in Islam would be the Qur'an being revealed to Muhammad, which is a divine revelation. Divine revelations are only given prophets and revelations.
        • An example in Christianity would be Mary receiving a special revelation from the angel Gabriel that she would be the mother of Jesus (Luke  1:26-38)
        • God may send angels as a spiritual experience. However they are neither prophets or messengers.
        • Negatives: Through special revelation, a person is experiencing God directly in an event. Stories of special revelation usually seem unbelievable and also has a lack of sufficient evidence to prove it as it is a personal thing and no one else can see it.
        • Christians consider special revelations to be rare and many still believe in god without experiencing one.
        • Some muslims would say there is no special revelation and that the  revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad , was divine revelation. Muslims can gain nearness to God and experience dreams,visions or miracles but these are not special revelation.
        • Enlightenment
          • Buddhists don't believe in God but they use meditation and self-discipline to discover the ultimate reality by gaining true knowledge (enlightenment)
          • Buddha meditated for a long time until enlightenment and he came to understand the nature of life and how suffering could end.


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