Evaluations and arguments on Plato's thoughts

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  • Evaluation of Plato's thought
    • He said that there are two realms
      • One of matter (physical world)
      • One of ideas (Forms)
      • The physical world is not as real as the world of forms
        • But many argue that if you hit your head on a bookcase this is a pretty good indication that the physical world is real
      • Richard Dawkins said that it is nonsense to think that there is a transcendent 'other world' beyond the physical
        • The world might be changeable but we can still study it with all the changes and gain true knowledge
    • Aristotle said that it is hard to accept that there is a form for every physical thing
      • It is nice to accept that there are 'ideal concepts' of qualities such as truth and justice, but harder to accept that there are 'ideal forms' of negative concept like jealousy and spite
    • Is there an 'ideal form' of a plant?
      • What would it look like? Large or small, spines?
      • Problem due top the variation in the species
        • However, Plato wanted to focus on Forms of QUALITIES
          • What would it look like? Large or small, spines?
    • Doesn't have any scientific evidence
      • We can not access these Forms to determine whether they exist or not
      • There is no way we can test if they exist through experiments and experience
      • Aristotle thought that we should just focus on things we can see around us if  we want to understand how the world works and how best to live
        • Aristotle also stated that there can not be a single form of 'good' as goodness always relates to specific actions


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