Factors and Evaluations of Attitudes to Eating

  • Created by: rhallett
  • Created on: 26-11-15 19:57
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  • Factors and Evaluations of Attitudes to Eating Behaviour
    • Social Factors
      • People's attitude is strongly influenced through social learning. Children imitate parents in attitudes and behviours as well as role models in the media; parents also control the food bought into the home which is a further influence
        • +Brown found that parents and children had similar attitudes to things such as snack food intake and eating motivations-suggests children learnt their attitudes from their parents
        • +A study in Fiji found that 38 months after Western TV was introduced, Fiji girls became more concerned about dieting and body weight. Suggests the media influences attitude to food because it presents girls with a 'thin ideal' body shape which they try to imitate
    • Mood
      • Negative mood seem to lead people to eat unhealthy 'hedonistic' food such as chocolate whilst positive moods lead people to avoid such foods
        • One theory is that carbohydrates infoods such as chocolate increases levels of the amino acid trytophan in the brain, which increases serotonin levels; an NTM linked to positive mood
          • +Garg studied RPs who either watched a sad or a happy film and were allowed to eat popcorn or grapes. RPs in the sad condition at 36% more popcorn than the happy condition and rated their mood as sadder.
            • It appeared people in the sad group were trying to improve their food by eating hedonistic food
    • Evolution
      • Preference for Fat
        • During human evolution, fat would have been essential to the diet but hard to get. It's adaptive to prefer high fat foods and be prepared to find them
          • +Chipanzees show that when they manage to kill a monkey they go straight for the fattiest parts such as the brain and bone marrow; suggests humans have evolved to prefer fat as we are closely related to them
            • -This finding cannot be extrapolated to humans as chimps have evolved different to humans. Human preferences may have other causes as we are more shaped more by social and cultural factors
      • Preference for Sugar
        • Logue argues that it would have been adaptive for humans to evolve to like sweet tastes as they often indicate high calorie content
          • +The human tongue has far more taste receptors for sweet flavour than for others
          • +Logue found that people of all ages groups (even as young as 3 days old) seem to prefer sweet foods over others; suggests liking sweet foods isn't leared; a 3 day old baby is too young to be influenced by its environment
          • +Bell gave sweet foods to Eskimos in Alaska, under normal conditions, Es have nothing sweet in their diet, yet the foods were readily accepted suggesting an underlying human preference for sweet foods
      • However it could be argued hat evolutionary explanations are speculative because human evolution cannot be studied as it happened 100,000s years ago; means they are unscientific


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