euthanaisa continued

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  • Euthanasia Continued
    • The slippery slope argument
      • Once legislation is passed to allow voluntary euthanasia, there would be a gradual decline in moral standards
      • Wyatt argues that Holland has experienced the slippery slope effect : In December 1992 newborn babies whose lives were predicted to have a poor quality of life were euthanized. older infants with severe birth defects were also euthanized
      • Dignity in dying argue "In Oregon, where assisted dying has operated safely since 1997, there have been no cases of abuse of the law.
    • Kantian Ethics
      • Immanuel Kant claimed that anyone who takes their own life violates the categorical imperative.
      • Suicide and voluntary euthanasia is morally unacceptable
        • "Suicide was wrong because it would be contrary to the universal duty to preserve life
    • Misdiagnosis
      • Wyatt (1998) "Sadly, serious mistakes in diagnosis are not uncommon, even in specialist centres"
      • singer argues that this is not very common and applies the utilitarian theory.
    • Patient-doctor relationship
      • Bowie - "killing a patient doesn't fit with what a doctor should do"
        • Some doctors take a Hippocratic Oath- basically means a doctor will only try to save life rather than take it away.
    • Human Experience
      • Daniel James - 23 years old - paralysed from the waist down     -asked for assisted suicide in Switzerland (dignitas)  -wasn't prepared to live a second class life
      • Matt Hampson - Tetraplegia - paralysis caused by injury from rugby     - decided to live with his disability and founded the Matt Hampson foundation
      • Diane Pretty - 44 year old woman diagnosed with motor neurone disease. she needed 24 hour care so she couldn't commit suicide.
        • Failed to change the law and died from chest and lung problems in May 2002
      • Debbie Purdy
        • Suffered from multiple sclerosis
        • 'Right to die' campaigner - wanted her husband to end her life. died in 2014




this is such a good mind map!!!!! well done!!!

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