Ethnicity and Inequality

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  • Ethnicity and inequality explainations
    • Functionalism
      • Patterson: The host - immigration model
        • Three causes of ethnic inequality
          • Hosts fear of cultural difference of the immigrant strangers and the social change that may develop.
          • The hosts culture of resentment to having to compete with immigrants for scarce resources
          • Failure of immigrants to assimilate
            • Immigrants need to go through three stages in order to assimilate. Accommodation, Integration and Assimilation
        • Evaluation: Postmodernist= Britain is a multicultural society in which different ethnic cultures co-exist.
          • Marxism: Patterson ignores how the division of people by race helps to maintain the capitalist culture
    • Marxism
      • Ethnic inequalities are used to divide workers so they're easier to control
        • Cox: Race is a human creation, it was developed at the start of capitalism and was used to justify exploitation.
          • Evaluation: Difficult to prove that racism is a capitalist ideology as there is no evidence that it functions purely as a ideological apparatus
        • Castles and Kosack: Immigrants serve as a RESERVE ARMY OF LABOUR, which was necessary in order to have a surplus of labour power and keep costs down
          • Reserve army of labour provided by immigrants was necessary for capitalism to survive = periods of boom and slump which require the reserve army of labour to be hired and fired
            • e.g. WWII
              • Divide and Rule tactic: working class divided- immigrants at bottom of WC and indigenous white population at the bottom
          • Evaluation: Not all ethnic minorities are disadvantaged in the UK.     Immigration laws now mean that economic immigrants have high level skills
      • Miles: Status and Class should be used alongside each other- ethnic minorities are seen as culturally and socially different= racism
        • some ethnic minorities also set themselves apart by celebrating their own cultural uniqueness
          • Untitled
            • Miles: Status and Class should be used alongside each other- ethnic minorities are seen as culturally and socially different= racism
              • some ethnic minorities also set themselves apart by celebrating their own cultural uniqueness
                • Untitled


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