norman control tactics

  • Created by: D4nny177
  • Created on: 22-02-17 19:54
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  • establishing and maintaining control
    • the submission of the earls
      • when William won the battle of Hastings, the earls hid in London and the witan crowned Edgar Aethling as king
      • William destroyed towns and villages on his way to take London
      • on the way a lot of the earls submitted to William instead of fighting him. eventually Edgar Aethling, Morcar, Edwin and Stigand submitted to him
    • rewarding followers
      • when William was crowned he said he would rule like the best Anglo- Saxon kings. this meant it would be trouble free. but he couldn't do that and reward his own followers
      • to reward his followers William used a heavy geld tax, the royal treasury and he declared all the land was his so he could give it to whoever he wanted to.
      • to give him more land to hand out he declared that anyone who fought against him at Hastings instantly lost their land and so he could give it to who he wanted to
    • the marcher earldoms
      • key functions
        • the marcher earldoms protected the border from welsh attacks, giving William less enemies to focus on
        • they were an easy way to reward his followers and invite Normans across
        • they quickly and effectively showed off Williams power
      • special powers
        • the marcher earldoms had no tax so they could pay for defences and castles
        • the shire reeves answered to the earl and not just the king
        • they could build castles anywhere as they need them for defense
        • they were smaller than most earldoms so they were easier to manage and the earls couldn't get too powerful
      • the marcher earldoms were three earldoms on the border of wales which William used to control the border. they were Chester, Shrewsbury and Hereford
    • castles
      • a Motte and bailey castle is a type of castle that consists of two mounds of earth, one taller than the other with a ditch around them and a ramp in-between them. the lower part would be the bailey which is  a sort of living area for the knights and it would be  surrounded by a palisade. the top is the fort, this is an area where archers can shoot on attackers from a higher point. it was also a last ditch defence area
      • there were over five hundred castles built
      • they were used for launching attacks and defending attacks from the enemy
      • they were a symbol of Norman power and they scared the Saxons who had never seen anything like them before
  • the feudal system
    • what is it
      • the feudal system was a system where William gave land to his tenants and they did a fief (task specific for each class)
      • it had a feudal hierarch which was where the king was on top and gave the tenants in chief land and tax concessions. he provided peace, law and protection. the tenants in chief gave him knights service, tax and justice. they then passed their land onto the vassal who gave them military service, tax and justice. the vassals gave the peasants land and the peasants gave them land service and rent
    • how did it help William
      • the feudal system allowed William to take land off his enemies and reward his followers
      • it stopped any earls getting too powerful and causing him problems
    • the relief system
      • when a landowner died, their heir would have to pay a sum of money called a relief ad swear their loyalty to William
      • this encouraged loyalty to the king because the king would set the price quite low for you if he liked you
  • the church reforms
    • the church reforms were where archbishop Stigand was replaced by Lanfranc, Lanfranc believed that stigand and the rest of the English church were not spiritual at all and he wanted to change that so he did the church reforms
    • the church reforms included making all priests celibate, and had their own court. it also meant that the churches were put in more strategic positions in cities and towns
    • William took all of the Anglo-Saxon members out of the church and swapped them with Normans who would spread propaganda for William
    • these changes allowed William to control the church and cut the pope out of the picture


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