Erosional and Depositional

  • Created by: Revisonf
  • Created on: 06-01-14 17:44
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  • Erosional and Depositional
    • Meanders are large bends in a river.
    • The current is faster on the outside of the bend as the water is deeper.
      • This means that more erosion in those area, this forms river cliffs.
    • The current is slower on this inside of the bends as the water is more shallow; this means there's more friction to slow down the water.
      • Eroded material is deposited on the inside of the bend, this form slip-off slopes
    • Ox-Bow lakes are formed from meanders; meanders get larger over time.
    • Erosion causes the outside bends to become closer untill there is only a small gap between the bends (the neck).
      • Eventually, the river breaks through the land, usually during a flood, and the rive flows along the shortest course.
        • Deposition eventually cuts off the meander forming an ox-bow lake.
  • The current is faster on the outside of the bend as the water is deeper.
    • This means that more erosion in those area, this forms river cliffs.
  • Deposition eventually cuts off the meander forming an ox-bow lake.


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