Enzymes - continued

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  • Enzymes-continued
      • 1) At first, a higher temperature increases the rate of a reaction involving an enzyme
      • 2) If it gets too hot, some of the bonds holding the enzymes together break
      • 3) This destroys the enzyme's special shape and so it wont work any more- the enzyme is now denatured
    • Enzymes need the right PH too
      • 1) Changing the PH can also change the rate of a reaction involving an enzyme
      • 2) If the PH is too high or too low, it affects the bonds holding the enzyme together
      • 3) This changes the shape and denatures the enzyme
      • All enzymes have a PH that they work best at
    • Enzymes in the stomach work at a low PH
      • The stomach produces an acid called hydrochloric acid
      • Enzymes in the stomach work best in these acidic conditions
      • Digestive enzymes break down big molecuels into smaller ones
        • Starch, proteins + fats are big molecules. They're too big to pass through the walls of the digestive system
        • Sugars,amino acids, glycerol + fatty acids are much smaller molecules. They can pass through the walls of the digestive system
        • The big molecules are broken down into the smaller ones by digestive enzymes
        • AMAYLASE- Is made in the saivary glands, pancreas + small intestines. It works in the mouth + the small intestine
        • PROTEASE- is made in the stomach, pancreas + small intestine. It works in the stomach + small intestine
        • LIPASE- Is made in the pancreas + small intestine. It works in the small intestine
        • Bile is produced in the liver
        • It's stored in the gall bladedr before it's released into the small intestine
        • Bile is alkaline. It neutralises the acid added to food in the stomach and makes conditions alkaline
          • Enzymes in the small intestine work best in these alkaline conditions


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