
  • Created by: grace1245
  • Created on: 06-11-17 19:07
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  • Enzymes
    • What are they?
      • An Enzyme is a biological catalyst that is produced by living things. A catalyst is a substance that increases the speed of a reaction without being changed or used up in the reaction. They are proteins and all proteins are made up of chains of amino acids.
    • Why do we have Enzymes?
      • They speed up chemical reactions in the body. The reactions are called metabolic reactions.
    • How do enzymes work and  what is the lock and key theory?
      • Chemical reactions involve things either splitting or joining. Due to enzymes being proteins they are folded into unique shapes. The substrate then binds to the enzyme and the chemical reaction takes place.
        • The substrate is the molecule changes in the reaction caused by the enzyme.
        • The active site is on the enzyme  where the substrate joins the enzyme.
        • The ending result of the reaction is called the product
        • When the substrate binds to the active site it is called the enzyme substrate joins to the enzyme.
    • How can they be affected by changes in heat?
      • Changes in temperature changes the rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions. Heat will originally increase the rate at first as they have more energy and will move about more and form enzyme-substrate complexes faster.
      • If it gets too hot the bonds holding the enzyme together will break which change the shape of the active site and the substrate will no longer fit. The enzyme is now said to be denatured.
    • Where do you find them?
      • You find them anywhere chemical reactions take place.
    • Why are they important?
      • Chemical reactions are what keep us alive. Enzymes are what make chemical reactions happen.


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