environmental challenges in Rio ( + solutions)

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  • environmental challenges in Rio ( + solutions)
    • air pollution and traffic congestion
      • Air pollution causes around 5000 deaths per year in Rio; traffic congestion increases stress and pollution
        • happens because: steep mountains limit where cars can go; the number of cars has grown; high crime levels mean people prefer to drive
    • water pollution
      • Guanabara Bay is highly polluted; rivers are polluted by open sewers in the favelas because the government has not paid for sewage pipes; oil spills from the Petrobras oil refinery; ships empty their fuels tanks in the bay
        • 12 new sewage works have been built since 2004; ships are fined for discharging fuel illegally
    • waste pollution
      • Many favelas are on steep slopes with few proper roads so waste collection is difficult; most waste is dumped and pollutes the water system, causing diseases and encouraging rats
        • A power plant has been set up which consumes 30 tonnes of rubbish a day and produces enough electricity for 1000 home


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